“doom loops”

A Satyr's day . . . a tiny bit cooler today here in TulseyTown . . .

“… when we’re talking about “neo-monarchical” Trumpists, I’m working on purging the word “conservative” from my vocabulary. Because that’s not what they are.” – Joyce Vance, Civil Discourse, August 2, 2024. BTW, the article contains a link to an excellent video discussion.

Technologies that promise progress actually creates regress. It gives you stale bread when you want a fresh loaf. Cultural “doom loops” are everywhere. – Ted Gioia

McLuhan warned us: moving forward at the speed of light while navigating in the rear view mirror of an old Ford is not to be recommended.

The Earth is About Used Up

like a sodden tampon & no place to throw it away

… I'm trying to drunkenly steer through

potholed streets into the suburban garage

of your ears though you probably already

know what's upwith the earth,

but I'm telling you because

because because because because because

The earth is about used up.

– Kim Addonizio, Now We're Getting Somewhere: Poems, Norton, 2021.


Black, white, and every shade and hue between . . .


Face time . . .