The war is over … if we want it

It's Sol's day … and the walk to the mailbox in the pouring rain this morning was worthy of this singular post . . .

One of my blog readers sent me a link to two genuine healing videos with the titles Women to Men, and Men to Women. The latter subtitled “The war is over. Light has come.” In both, multiple individuals express ownership of the damage done to the other gender and the desires of a truthful future. These have been viral for several years ... I'm just now finding them thanks to you Joey... I'm sharing them for the rest of us on this journey. Timely, IMO, as Mother's Day is next week.

From women to men: the original film by Hanna Milling

The war is over. The light has come. From men to women, based on Milling's original film, this by Bernhard Glasenapp and Étienne Hayem

The past is “past”...that's why we call it “the past.” The future isn't yet … and is beyond even imagining. The only way ahead is The Way, if you have the courage to allow the present moment to “be” what “is.” In that moment the past and the future melt into nothing. Suddenly the way ahead is open, clear and unencumbered by the “is-ness” of the totality manifesting: flowing streams, littered streets, fields of wind-blown grass, bustling crowds, and the beauty of our individuation. All of it.


The purple of perplexity . . .


The untethered boat . . .