Silent Thunder

It's Freya's day . . .

The last retrograde of the year continues to Jan. 1, 2024. To help with some of the shifting going on under the Mercurial umbrella:

The fewer devices you have to charge, the more charge you have for your mind. – Abhijit Naskar

The Way brings a deeper state of mind...

There’s a meditative state described in ancient Buddhist scriptures that is hard to imagine because it is not something – but nothing. Referred to as nirodha-samāpatti, it roughly translates as ‘the cessation of thought and feeling’ – Shayla Love writing for Psyche, 12/28/23.

On this day in 1170, Thomas Beckett was murdered in Canterbury Cathedral by four Knights of King Henry II.

"I sense we are in moments of descent. Moments of embarkation. Do you sense this as well? … I think so. The surface – for long the political project of white modernity – can no longer sustain the burden of proliferating the dissociated individual self, the lynchpin of its civilizing ethic.” – Bayo Akomolafe

It is a curse of history that we cannot go back and change the course leading to disasters, no matter how much we might wish to. The past has its own terrible inevitability. But it is never too late to change the future. – Heather Cox Richardson

The near silent thunder

rolls away and with it

the past

while light arrives

from the future

into the present.

– jab


The night belongs to lovers . . .


Slouching toward Bethlehem