Dancing for 200 years . . .

Sol is once again hiding behind icy cloud cover here in Okieland . . .but that didn’t interfere with the flotsam and jetsam flowing into today’s mailbox . . .

The problem isn't change. Change is a constant. The problem is what kind of change are we willing to engage with.

We cannot solve complex sustainability issues using the approaches we’ve employed in the past. – Stephen Posner and Kim Nolan, in “Integrating Inner & Outer Systems Change.” The Garrison Institute Newsletter, 01/20/24.

Resilience is really a secular word for what religion was trying to say with the word faith... Without a certain ability to let go, to trust, to allow, we won’t get to any new place. If we stay with order too long and we’re not resilient enough to allow a certain degree of disorder [evaluating the flotsam and jetsam along The Way], we don’t get smarter, we just get rigid. Unfortunately, this is what characterizes so many, including religious people. – Richard Rohr

Rigidity is the hallmark of the MAGA crowd and at its extreme leads to a form of mental illness. Check out Heather Cox Richardson's column of yesterday.

In the book of the earth it is written: nothing can die.

In the book of the Sioux it is written:

They have gone away into the earth to hide.

Nothing will coax them out again but the people dancing. – Mary Oliver,

The Great Sioux Nation's peoples

have been dancing for over 200 years.

The buffalo have begun returning.


The Way … on ice . . . dancing.


The mysterious invitation