Intuitive dust settling . . .

It's Sol's day . . . reminding us, in case we forget, that it is in charge of this 100º day . . . Today's blog is bypassing the obvious news, I’m letting the dust settle . . .

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. – H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

Remember that life is like a mirror: Everything you perceive reflects your inner world. Cleaning your dirty mirror of distorting smudges means clearing self-deception and coming closer to the truth. – Khangser Rinpoche

Speaking of truth: Why are democrats and pundits eating themselves up over Biden. Anthony Davis' video blog disabuses us from the media profit-motive propaganda machine.

Richard Rohr offers (for some) of us a counter-intuitive vision, echoing Khangser Rinpoche:

The Twelve Step Program parallels, mirrors, and makes practical the same messages that Jesus gave us, but without as much danger of spiritualizing the message and pushing its effects into a future world....[We are all] powerless, not just those who are physically addicted to a substance. Alcoholics simply have their powerlessness visible for all to see. The rest of us disguise it in different ways, and overcompensate for our more hidden and subtle addictions and attachments. – Fr. Richard Rohr

Watching the Sun Go Down

Time to say nothing, just watch,

without moving, without sound,

the sun reflected, shimmering,

setting on fire

the white length of an upturned kayak.

David Whyte, “Watching the Sun Go Down,” River Flow: New & Selected Poems (revised) Many Rivers Press, 2012.


Like time, the small invades like dust


Ordinarily perfect . . .