The sea – OMG! see the sea.

It's Sol's day . . . Here in Okieland (and all the elsewheres) we're looking at Fall on the horizon …

When you look at anything as separate from you, you cannot love it. You're afraid of it. But when you know beyond all doubting that the same life that flows through you flows through all that is, and you are are that life, all living beings in the entire universe are included in your heart. – Sri Nisargadatta

Speaking of tending to the Watercourse Way, a couple of noteworthy dates for us

Today in 1952, Life magazine published Ernest Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea, his last major work of fiction; also released as a book, it won a Pulitzer Prize in 1953.

In 1985 the wreck of the Titanic was found on the ocean floor on today's date at a depth of about 13,000 feet. Oceanographer Robert Ballard led the search team on the discovery.

And, yesterday was the birthdate of Maria Montessori, born on this day in Chiaravalle, Italy (1870). She guided a revolution in the ways we educate children, the waves of which continue to this day and even into “higher” education.

Why “higher education” isn't in the minds of younger, more critical students. More nails in the coffin . . .Academics zero in on narrower and narrower topics in order to establish unique niches and, in the process, what was once a discipline that sought answers to humanity’s most fundamental questions becomes a jargon-riddled puzzle for a narrow group of insiders. – Abigail Tulenko in Aeon.

I am beginning to think that much of institutional religion is rather useless if it is not grounded in natural seeing and nature religion. – Richard Rohr


Star-lit imagination


Monstrous Shenanigans