Either … Or

It's Sol's day …

All that you are is the result of what you have thought in the past. All that you will be is the consequence of what you are thinking in this moment. – The Upanishads

So … what are you thinking at this moment?

We are a part and therefore a participant in the unfolding of a creating Universe. How much more “special” do you want? – Richard Rohr at The Center for Action and Contemplation.

People are unhappy because 99% of what you do is for yourself and there isn't one. – Wei Wu Wei

English novelist and poet Thomas Hardy was born on this day in Higher Bockhampton, Dorset, in 1840.

"The business of the poet and the novelist is to show the sorriness underlying the grandest things and the grandeur underlying the sorriest things." – Thomas Hardy.


The Way is lit by an inner light


Turn and face the strange . . .