Cacophony: made by Pandora

It's Odin's day . . . a ten day cooling trend is moving into Okieland with thunderstorms – predicates, perhaps, to Thor's day tomorrow.

Preaching to the choir (we who managed to avoid watching the GOP convention debacle), and a superb sermon it is from Heath Cox Richardson on “Letters from an American.

Donald Trump is not inevitable. Four months is a long time in an election cycle, and a lot can happen. Trump has eluded justice in the courts, at least for now. But he doesn’t have to at the hands of the voters; that’s up to us. – Joyce Vance on “Civil Discourse

In the now viral Trump shooting photo, who's left out of the frame? And why? The most common victims of gun crimes are not high-profile politicians but everyday people — approximately 326 each day in the United States, about a third of whom are killed. In the compulsive analysis of Trump’s image, in even the most well-meaning efforts to contend with its propagandistic dangers, we risk overlooking the mundanity of gun violence and its less mediagenic casualties. — Valentina Di Liscia, Editor of Hyperallergic.

Also from Hyper: What would Vincent van Gogh, who knows a thing or two about ear injury, have thought?

Metaphorically appropriate to the GOP/MAGA view of Earth II, Disneyland opened 69 years ago today in Anaheim, California.

Searching for a break from the cacophony … Reverie is always despised by those do not like the broad freedom it grants – David Whyte

Pandora Station

The song set not to music.

Odd the rhyme fixed

not in time of some kind.

Chaos has a harmony all its own.

– jab


Not just another day . . .


Like time, the small invades like dust