The grand waltz

The grand universal do-ing continues in 3/4 time: four steps forward, three steps back . . .

It's Satyr's day: a deep freeze Winter storm is staring at us from the horizon here in OkieLand...and Garrison Keillor navigates a slough of despond.

Happiness exists in one place and at one time: in you and right now. – Emily Fletcher

Today is the 176th anniverary of Lilla Cabot Perry's birth. The American impressionist painter was born on this date in 1848 Boston, Massachusetts.

Admire as much as you can, most people don't admire enough. – Vincent van Gogh

Maria Popova has announced The Universe in Verse event is to be in Austin in April on the eve of an anticipated eclipse of the sun.

The universe knows what it is doing.

And, among its doings,

it is doing us.

What was, was.

What will be, will be.

What is, is what is, is.

– jb


A softer chaos


To find the world . . .