Full dark moon . . .

It's Thor's day . . . with cloudy skies here in TulseyTown obscuring the full “Flower Moon.”

In honor of Mothers' Month, check out Danielle Lisa's lovely poem published online by Rattle, yesterday, Wednesday the 22nd.

Today is the birthdate of the author of the classic children's book Goodnight Moon: Margaret Wise Brown. She was born in 1910 Brooklyn, New York.

The scientist Edward Norton Lorenz was born on this day in 1917 West Hartford, Connecticut. Lorenz authored one of the 20th century's most revolutionary scientific ideas: Chaos theory, and coined the term “butterfly effect,” to explain causality occurring in otherwise seeming random events.

Dark Trees

On a clear night dark trees / against a dark sky / all but disappear.

Tonight, cloud cover / filters the city's lights. / A fog curtain listens /

as if after the last note / of the Moonlight Sonata / has drifted into where /

there ought to be the moon. / Spring buds on that eighty-foot Sycamore /

across the street / stand out in place of missing stars.

– jab


Testing honesty . . .


Parting the seas . . .