Start with vulnerable . . .

It's Freya's day . . . and Northerlies are bringing our first real taste of Fall to Okieland this weekend. And it's snowing in Colorado …

Today in 1997 2.5 billion people watched the televised funeral for Diana, princess of Wales, England. She was killed in Paris a week earlier on August 31.

A photo-bio was posted by CNN two years ago on the 25th anniversary of her untimely death.

The return of a “real judge.” Ms. Vance has posted an update on the Trump trial pending before Judge Chutkan.

Legal hassles pre and post the November elections. FYI, this excellent NYTimes piece requires a signup (free).

You are the story you have to tell. Your most vulnerable truth is the place to start. – Cheryl Strayed at Omega.

When we can’t find it in us to give thanks, it is a sign that we are blocked from our reverence for life. Rather than judge ourselves, we are being called to identify the blockage, to part whatever veils have come between us and life, and to reconnect with life directly. – Mark Nepo 


Miss Piggy was quite right . . .


Miss Piggy gives a black eye to an ignoramus . . .