Doing: Allowing Blooming.

It’s a beautiful Odin's day here in TulseyTown … and on our calendar: Opening the mailbox; Noon lunch with a friend; watering then weed/feed back yard; moving plants from their winter indoor moorings to their outdoor front porch perches; and whatsoever else Creation brings along The Way.

Doing Allowing

Letting go is built into you.

The flower is always the bud's undoing.

So...let go.

Bloom where you are.

In Odin's mailbox:

Today is the 139th anniversary of Isak Dinesen's birth. Born Karen Blitzen, The author of “Out of Africa” and “Babette's Feast,” was born today on Rungsted, a rural estate near 1885 Copenhagen, Denmark.

And on this day in 1936, Irish poet Brendan Kennelly was born in Ballylongford, County Kerry.

The Happy Grass

Here, in their final quiet, the singers lie.

True to the dead, to the living true

The grass is growing as it always grew

Drinking every human cry

Like the rain of summer reaching the repose

Of singers long out of sight.

– Brendan Kennelly, Breathing Spaces: Early Poems. Bloodaxe Books, 1992.

from Poem in Three Parts


The strong leaves of the box-elder tree

Plunging in the wind call us to disappear

Into the wilds of the universe

Where we shall sit at the foot of a plant

And live forever like the dust.

Robert Bly, in Silence in the Snowy Fields, Wesleyan University Press, 1981.


Does anybody really know what time it is?


Forest Prime Evil . . .