Forest bathing … with picnic.

In the Tew's day's mailbox, accompanied by a waning Moon. . .

My wish, indeed my continuing passion, would be … to part a curtain, that invisible shadow that falls between people, the veil of indifference to each other’s presence, each other’s wonder ... – Eudora Welty

Co-dependency is not a disease. We survive because we are related to other beings. We are members of a forest that carries many names: Gaia, humanity, infinitely ecologically connected to everything.

Today was Richard Brautigan's birthday in Tacoma, Washington, 1935. Brautigan (Trout Fishing in America), Tom Robbins (Another Roadside Attraction), and Natalie Goldberg (Writing Down The Bones) were the instigators and guides to my own present creative endeavors.

It is also the 142nd anniversary of the birth of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR was born on this day in 1882 Hyde Park, New York.


Writer and politician Thomas Paine, was born in Thetford, England 1737.

In 1880 comedian and actor W.C. Fields was born (sometimes listed as born in April 9, 1879) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania .

And, novelist and essayist Edward Abbey (Desert Solitaire), was born in 1927 Indiana, Pennsylvania.

I’ll affect you slowly as if you were having a picnic in a dream. There will be no ants.

And, it won’t rain. – Richard Brautigan


Splitting the Solstice


Times, they are a-changin' ...