A perfect world . . .

It's Freya's day . . . and the heat-hammer is targeting Okieland before backing off in anticipation of Fall around the corner.

Harris. Obviously. – Joyce Vance

I feel like I have seen the political future and its name is the Democratic Party. — Heather Cox Richardson

No plan survives first contact with the enemy. This is especially true if one ends up fighting an enemy they did not prepare for...Kamala Harris has become the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. Donald Trump and his campaign’s strategy – designed to go up against Biden – is now falling apart, nullified and frustrated by an enemy they did not plan for. Trump’s leadership is also being tested. At this point, he is failing the test. – Chauncey DeVega

Mark Hyman, M.D. gave a keynote at The Aspen Institute this month on the state of the art of functional medicine. He was interviewed by Soledad Hurst, philanthropist and former on-air reporter/anchor for Bloomberg TV. They focused on his latest book “ Young Forever” which provides an accessible pathway to live into our 100's or more. It’s a great introduction to Dr. Hyman if you don't or barely know of him. If you're already a fan [as is yers trooley], its a great update.

Once the World Was Perfect
Once the world was perfect, and we were happy in that world.
Then we took it for granted.
Discontent began a small rumble in the earthly mind.
Then Doubt pushed through with its spiked head.

A spark of kindness made a light.
The light made an opening in the darkness.
Everyone worked together to make a ladder.
A Wind Clan person climbed out first into the next world,

And then the other clans, the children of those clans, their children,
And their children, all the way through time—
To now, into this morning light to you.

-- Joy Harjo, “Once the World Was Perfect,” Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings. Norton, 2015.


Hope's wings . . .


Music, muse and their wide-angle lens