Rope for sale

On this Tew's day … Strong Southwesterlies here in TulseyTown tempt me to mow my lawn . . .

Today is traditionally held to be the birthday of William Shakespeare, who was baptized on April 26, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.

The Boston Latin School opened its doors on this day in 1635 Boston, Massachusetts in what would become the United States. Its establishment set a precedent for tax-supported public education. It is the oldest existing school in the United States.

The singer/songwriter Roy Orbison was born born on this day in 1936 Vernon, Texas. Down a rabbit-hole of memories

And, Michael Moore turns 70 today. The filmmaker, author, and political activist was born on this day in 1954, Flint, Michigan.

Continuing Earth Week . . .

Most Americans think their actions can help fight climate change, but they’re not always right on which are the most effective, according to a Post/UMD poll. Good piece, sent to me by a famous rocket-scientist-nerd friend here in TulseyTown. ... missing is the obvious: The profit interests of the most major contributors to global warming/climate change continue to suggest that we should take the responsibility of reducing our individual personal carbon footprint as the means to fixing the problem they created. I get it that a billion people switching from gas to electric stove tops might have a collective impact ... assuming there are a billion people have electricity, let alone stove tops. I've not seen any data comparing traveling by rail or car vs. air. Inventing the wheel may have been the first step in our undoing. Metaphorically speaking, patriarchal capitalism is leading itself to the gallows where they will sell us the rope.

The best steps we can take next is to vote to put the house, senate, and presidency in the hands of candidates who've publicly expressed their undying support for taxing the upper 5% for 15% of all their income sources, including corporations since those are now considered entities with free speech. Wouldn't hurt to legislate the elimination of processed foods and the poisons being sprayed on corporate farms. But that's a longer story.

Any real healing has to come out of some kind of psychological openness. There are constant opportunities for such openness—constant gaps in our conceptual and physical structures. If we begin to breathe out, then we create room for fresh air to rush in. If we do not breathe, there is no way for the fresh air to enter. – Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche


Aha! Rain.


Imperative, catagorically