Mockingbirds are poets, too.

It's Sol's day … The mailbox survived the downpour and winds of overnight thunderstorms and tornadoes – it is April, after all – which have moved out of TulseyTown for the time being. Lots of flotsam and jetsam left behind.

A noteworthy follower of The Way, Norwegian ethnologist and adventurer Thor Heyerdahl and a small crew set sail on this date from Peru aboard the primitive raft Kon-Tiki and arrived in Polynesia three and a half months later.

The poet, Carolyn Forché is celebrating her 74th birthday today. The Michigander and “poet of witness” was born in 1950 Detroit.

Its the 107th birth anniversary of Robert Anderson. The playwright and multiple Academy Award film nominee was born in 1917 New York City.

Alice Waters turns 80 today.. The chef, restaurateur, and author was born in 1944 Chatham Borough, New Jersey. In 1971, she opened Chez Panisse, a restaurant in Berkeley, California, famous for its role in creating the farm-to-table movement and for pioneering California cuisine.

And the novelist Harper Lee was born on this date in 1926 Monroeville, Alabama. She wrote just one novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, but at last count has sold more than 30 million copies.

"No one is a great poet because she is a miserable drunk. No one is a great poet because he has had a nervous breakdown. Suffering, however, can be experienced as a curse or a blessing; the luckiest is the one who can experience it as a blessing." – Carolyn Forché


Wandering Wonderer ...


The Man Who Would Be King