Blue Tsunami

It's Odin's day … apropos of Odin and Thor methinks I heard rumblings from Chicago...

[edited for accuracy at 9pm 8.21.24]

During the Democratic National Convention last night there was a brief moment that stood out for me. In former President Barach Obama's keynote speech he referenced the efforts of Trump to foil a solution to our southern border issues. A loud “boo” arouse from the assembled delegates. Just as instantly Obama forcefully said “Don't boo. Vote!” There was an instant's silence followed by a thunderous roar of positive affirmation.

More than affirmation, there was in the camera closeups of those cheers. an embrace of the truth of the moment. It felt to me like the early rumblings of those earthquakes that often precede and create those oceanic Tsunamis that change whole coastlines. The evening had been a love-fest, not just for Ms. Harris and individual supporters. The evening was capped by the keynotes of the Obamas' presence which was at once recognition of the unifying love in the room as well as a reminder of the work ahead.

I'm not predicting. I'm “jus' sayin'.”

More on what Project 2025 will destroy

With Trump, it’s easy to let today’s bright shiny thing distract from the issues that are most important; in fact, he banks on it. So, we won’t let him distract us. I'm, not about to let up on this. Neither should you. – Joyce Vance, Civil Discourse.

More about that Moon...

In the human imagination the earth might be where the sun illuminates everything we need to see and name, but the moon has always embodied the task of carrying the unnameable, and lives according to its own hidden urgencies, which in our daylight hours are forgotten or only half revealed. – David Whyte

In the Mahayana Buddhist tradition to which I belong, when studying spiritual teachings, we set out by arousing an even greater motivation, known as bodhichitta. In Sanskrit, bodhi means “awake” and chitta means “heart” or “mind.” Our aim is to fully awaken our heart and mind, not just for our own greater well-being but also to bring benefit, solace, and wisdom to other living beings. What motivation could top that? – Ani Pema Chödrön


Music, muse and their wide-angle lens


Dreams, wishes, moments