A new moon shines on Barbie

It's a Satyr's day . . . and the moon is new.

Many traditions have held that the new moon is a harbinger of new beginnings … and, well, why not?

The heroic vision of Joe Biden. No other path. – Heather Cox Richardson

Let Biden be Biden. Echoes by Joyce Vance in her online column Civil Discourse.

Not unrelated: Today in 1933 newly inaugurated President Franklin D. Roosevelt called a special session of Congress and began the first hundred days of enacting his New Deal legislation.

Extending yesterday's International Women's Day celebration:

Juliette Binoche celebrates her 60th birthday today. The award winning actress was born on this date in 1964, Paris

Today in 1913 Virginia Woolf delivered the manuscript for her first novel, The Voyage Out, to the Duckworth Publishing House.

It is the 132nd anniversary of Vita Sackville-West's birth. Famous as a poet and writer in her own right, she was also Virginia Woolf's muse. She was born on this date in 1892 Sevenoaks, Kent, England.

I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman. – Virginia Woolf, in A Room of One's Own

The opposite of patriarchy is not matriarchy. It's the disintegration of opposites altogether...The opposite of anthropocentrism is not some Divine Gender. The opposite is Everything...unlike Adam and Eve, we haven't been severed from The Garden. The Everything still includes us...The Animate Everything is a verb. An assemblage of verbs. – Sophie Strand, The Flowering Wand, Inner Traditions: Bear and Company, 2022.

The Divine Feminine and The Divine Masculine are separate only in the language that shapes a false, projected perception of individuation to the exclusion of the “other.” Check out the extraordinary film adaptation of Ms. Woof's Orlando with a stellar performance by Tilda Swinton, adapted and directed by Sallie Potter. It's streaming on several platforms.

Oh, and Barbie turns 65 today.

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain – Dolly Parton

from “The Land”

Shepherds and stars are quiet with the hills.
There is a bond between the men who go
From youth about the business of the earth...

Strange lovers, man and earth! their love and hate
Braided in mutual need; and of their strife
A tired contentment born. – The poem “The Land” by Vita Sackville-West is in the public domain.


Facing the keyhole . . .


Waltzing with Freya