Low flying owls . . .

It's Satyr's day … and the probable last of the Winter blustery is moving on Northerlies through TulseyTown but not enough to take the chill out of two late Valentines:

On true love .... From Garrison Keillor. And, from David Whyte.

When you argue with reality, you will lose only 100% of the time. – Debra Poneman

Mystics understand that we are moons, not suns, except in our ability to pass on the light. – Richard Rohr.


...except as we have loved, all news arrives as from a distant land. – Mary Oliver 1

After the news, the neighborhood owl

is asking “How come bad news seems

always to come from some

somewhere far enough away

for our silent response?”

“Silence,” she says, “makes accomplices

of us all. But, neither the wind, leaves,

nor I am silent.

Neither are your poets.

Listen,” she says.

Strong Northerlies at high volume

howling ahead of the annual transition

the last of Fall's leaves sent into chaos

mad swirling,

if not dancing,

across the tarmac floor,

sing like raindrops on a carport roof,

whisper high up in the Maples

songs about early Spring buds

of daring Oaks.

– jab 2/16/2024

1 Mary Oliver, “Beyond the Snow Belt,” No Voyage and Other Poems. Beacon Press, Boston, 1963, 1965.


Every which way . . .


Proper study . . .