Light shines on The Way

It's the Moon's day . . . waning from its Thunder characterization of the past two days . . .

Paradox is where enlightenment is born—it’s not about resolving or conquering paradox by choosing one side; rather, it’s in the tension of more than one truth being true that a new wisdom arises. – Kai Cheng Thom

The mailbox has been deluged with notes – short version: “Its Kamala time.” In the wake, Trump's rants are more flotsam than jetsam.

Leonard Cohen resisted “the devil behind my tongue” in order to warn us about anger. “The antidote to anger,” The Marginalian, 2024 July 18.

And today is the 142nd anniversary of Edward Hopper's birth. The “painter of light” was born on this date in 1882 Nyack, New York

There Comes the Strangest Moment

There comes the strangest moment in your life,
when everything you thought before breaks free …

How many people thought you’d never change?
But here you have. It’s beautiful. It’s strange.

--Kate Light, “There Comes the Strangest Moment,” Open Slowly. Zoo Press, 2003.


The third act opens . . .


Finding a voice in silence …