Coming through the rye . . .

It's Sol's day … Wisdom and love fill the mailbox this sun-drenched morning . . .

Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. Between the two, my life flows. – Nisargadatta Maharaj

This week, Buddhists around the world are celebrating Vesak , which commemorates the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and passing… The festival reminds us that the Buddha was not a divine or supernatural being; he was just human...he was “just some guy” who achieved something extraordinary, but he demonstrated that a human being could achieve enlightenment—and most importantly—showed others a path to follow.

Many people who become interested in meditation do not come from a background, such as Buddhism or Hinduism, where meditation is part of the culture. But almost everybody, wherever they come from, comes to a common conclusion: dissatisfaction with materialism. That also presents a creative vision—that there must be something more than this to life. That's what leads us to the practice of meditation. – Chӧgyam Trungpa

“Body” might be a word that represents something more miraculous than even the mind that can contemplate the body’s miraculousness...the mind cannot fully contemplate, appreciate or understand the body’s thousands of interlocking inter-dependent connected systems, and the way those hidden systems connect with the world. – David Whyte

We cannot discuss the truth. And words cannot express it. They can only ever point us to the present moment experience of the now. But the present moment is constant change, so the moment we hang on to the meaning of a word, we are stuck—we have let the word die along with its potential to direct our mind. – Matthias Esho Birk PhD

That “still, small voice” can transform us. Each of us has heard it. Most of us don’t attend to it, as it is so quiet, less than a whisper. Yet it is the subject of much discussion in fields ranging from religion to philosophy and even psychology. Richard Rohr recently posted his Franciscan perspective in terms of “spirit” … if you can handle the “god talk” between the lines, it’s a worthy read, IMO.

A word is dead / When it is said, /
Some say. / I say it just
Begins to live /
That day. – Emily Dickenson


Can't fake “the wait” . . .


Testing honesty . . .