Equal Time . . .

It's Tew's day . . . Southerlies have returned to Okieland TulsyTown chasing away the last frozen morning for the next six months as the Equinox approaches the Equator giving equal time to the Sun, allowing more light into the mailbox . . .

I'm celebrating the 77th birthday of Glenn Close. The Award winning actor in both film and broadway was born today in 1947, Greenwich Connecticut

And it's the birthday of Bruce Willis. The now retired actor was born 69 years ago today in 1955 Idar-Oberstein in what was then West Germany.

Owning your everyday mystic nature …

A liberal Christian minister standing against evangelical hypocrisy? How's that workin' fer ya?

The Sound of Sunrise

I paint with my qualities and faults” – van Gogh by Julian Schnabel.

There are no faults in creation. / Perfection is the name for Existence. / An attempt to create meaning /

when meaning has already been created, ourselves we separate / from the very joy we seek. /

Experience extends beyond the embrace of reason. / Music may get close. /

Mahler, Beethoven's Eighth. / Art – van Gogh reached for it / and found it in color.

The reason for a flower? / An epic poem of book length likely becomes incomprehensible. /

Better a painter to her canvas, hearing at sunrise the single note sounded /

from the monk's gong from across the mountain lake. – jab


Predictably unpredictable


Give the Oar to the Queen