Angels Sounding

It is truly the Sun's day here in Okieland with heat indices headed for 112º

Consciousness may be a fundamental feature – the very fabric -- of the universe, parceled out through the individuated experience of awareness. Or not. – Nathan Gardels in Noēma, 8.15.24

A big day on this date in 1920: The Nineteenth Amendment was ratified after Tennessee—by just one vote—became the 36th state to approve it, capping the 72-year fight to win women the right to vote in the United States.

The word “mentor” comes from Greek mythology. Mentor was the name of the wise and trusted counselor of Odysseus. When Odysseus went on his long journey, he put Mentor in charge of his son, Telemachus, as his teacher and guardian … We long for believable mentors on every stage of our journey. In Western culture and even in the Christian tradition, we have few guides to lead us deeply into life’s full journey. – Richard Rohr

There has never been a generation more enthusiastic about female mentorship than the one preparing to enter the workforce today...Unsurprisingly, there is a pronounced gender discrepancy when it comes to American mentorship; 82% of men have had male mentors, while just 69% of women have had female mentors. – Dianna Chane

Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. --Pema Chodron

Three Angels

Three angels up above the street,

each one playing a horn

dresses in green robes with wings.

They've been there since Christmas morn.


The angels play on their horns all day,

the whole earth in progression seems to pass by.

But does anyone hear the music they play.

Does anyone even try?

– Bob Dylan


A sinful old moon tempts a Coyote


Making an impossible . . .