Moving mountains…

It's a sunny Sol's day in TulseyTown with more Spring storm chances on the evening horizon...

Human-Compatible AI: “Putting values” in machines is risky business. – Nathan Gardels, Noema, May 11, 2024.

Most of us have been programmed to believe that we’re supposed to follow a certain script in life in order to be happy. But what if that’s simply not true? What if your happiest, healthiest, most fulfilled life comes as a result of having the audacity to explore what else is possible when you step off the well-trodden path? What if dream BIGGER isn’t always the wisest answer for every person or business?!? Streamlining and simplifying can be the healthiest thing one can do. (And no, dreaming smaller does not mean you’re slacking or limiting your potential.)

What if MORE isn't always better? Constant, unchecked desire for more can lead to destructive, devastating consequences. The solution: Keep the channel open. – Marie Forleo reflecting on Martha Graham.

The true nature of mountains is that they are mountains. They practice both stillness holding their place and moving with change. Men and women can be reborn through mountains. Ancestors abide in mountains. And mountains disappear the closer you are to them. – Excerpted from: Buddha’s Daughters: Teachings from Women Who Are Shaping Buddhism in the West, Edited by Andrea Miller and Editors of the Shambhala Sun. Shambhala, 2014. p.118.

Evanescent: Here and then gone. – David Whyte


How Long?


Get real . . .